Places to Visit in Akşehir: History, Literature, Nature

Places to Visit in Akşehir: History, Literature, Nature

Akşehir is a district of Konya province of Turkey. Famous for both its historical and natural beauties, this city offers many places to visit for visitors. If you want to experience the beauties of history, literature and nature together, you can add Akşehir to your list.

Historical places

  • Nasreddin Hodja Tomb: Akşehir is the place where Nasrettin Hodja, one of the famous characters of Turkish literature, was born and raised. Nasreddin Hodja Tomb is located in the center of Akşehir and offers its visitors information about Hodja’s life and works. The tomb also attracts attention with its architectural features from the Ottoman period.

  • Akşehir Castle: The castle located in the center of Akşehir is a building from the Byzantine period. The castle once protected the city, and today you can climb up to the castle and observe the panoramic view of the city. Additionally, the museum located within the castle exhibits historical artifacts to visitors.

  • Eflatun Spring: Located in the southeast of Akşehir, Eflatun Spring is an arch bridge built in ancient times. This bridge, which has historical importance, offers its visitors a unique natural view. You can also spend time in touch with nature thanks to the picnic areas and hiking trails here.


Akşehir has literary importance as the place where Nasrettin Hodja, one of the important names of Turkish literature, was born and raised. For this reason, there are many monuments and statues of Nasreddin Hodja in the city. You can also visit the Nasreddin Hodja Museum in the city and get detailed information about Hodja’s life and works.

Natural beauties

  • Beyşehir Lake: Located in the southwest of Akşehir, Beyşehir Lake is one of the largest freshwater lakes in Turkey. The lake is famous for its natural beauty and home to various bird species. You can take a walk by the lake, go bird watching, or relax in the beautiful picnic areas.

  • Suğla Lake Nature Park: Located in the east of Akşehir, Suğla Lake Nature Park is a natural protected area that hosts many different types of plants and animals. You can discover rare plant and animal species during your nature walks here.

  • Dumlupınar Martyrdom: Dumlupınar, close to Akşehir, is the place where an important victory of the Republic of Turkey took place. Dumlupınar Martyrdom is a monument dedicated to our martyrs and veterans of the War of Independence. The Martyrdom attracts visitors with its historical importance and impressive atmosphere.


Places to Visit History Literature Nature Nasreddin Hodja Tomb VVX Akşehir Castle VXX Eflatun Spring VXV Beyşehir Lake XXV Suğla Lake Nature Park XXV Dumlupınar Martyrdom VXX

Akşehir is a city that attracts attention with its historical and natural beauties. Akşehir appeals to all kinds of visitors, with both its literary connection to Nasreddin Hodja and its lakes, nature parks and martyrs’ cemeteries. If you want to experience Turkish literature and nature together, you should definitely visit Akşehir.

Grand Mosque

Ulu Mosque is an important historical mosque located in the Akşehir district of Turkey. It was built during the Seljuk period in the 13th century. This magnificent mosque has become the symbol of Akşehir and offers a fascinating atmosphere to its visitors.

The architecture of the Grand Mosque is quite impressive. It has a large courtyard, a beautiful courtyard gate and a circular main prayer section. The woodwork inside the mosque reflects the elegance and mastery of the Ottoman period. The minaret of the mosque is located in a position overlooking Akşehir and allows you to have a magnificent view of the surrounding landscape.

The Grand Mosque is used for worship as well as for tourists. Various events and festivals held in the mosque at certain times of the year enrich the historical and cultural experience of visitors here.

Historical houses

Akşehir is famous for its historical houses. The district contains many historical houses from the Ottoman and Seljuk periods. These houses stand out on the quiet streets of the city and reflect the historical heritage of Akşehir.

Historical houses are generally built from wood and stone materials. These houses, most of which have traditional Ottoman architecture, attract attention with their large courtyards, high ceilings and elegant details. Inside the houses, there are carefully decorated rooms and halls.

Historical houses in Akşehir offer visitors the opportunity to take a journey into the past. Some of these houses are used as museums today and exhibit many historical artifacts and objects to their visitors. Others are still used as living residences and are preserved as part of the traditional way of life.

Visiting Akşehir Historical Heritage

The Grand Mosque and historical houses in Akşehir offer visitors a magnificent historical experience. There are many accommodation options in the city for those who want to visit these historical heritages.

Akşehir is also known as the birthplace of the famous Turkish poet Nasreddin Hodja. Nasreddin Hodja Museum provides visitors with information about Nasreddin Hodja’s life, works and stories. The museum is another important place frequently visited by visitors of Akşehir.


No Work Date 1 Grand Mosque 13th century 2 Historical Houses Ottoman and Seljuk period 3 Nasreddin Hodja Museum –

Akşehir is one of Turkey’s favorite destinations with its rich historical heritage. Places such as the Grand Mosque, historical houses and Nasreddin Hodja Museum offer visitors a unique cultural experience. Visiting Akşehir will definitely be an unforgettable trip for those who want to follow the traces of the past and cultural values.

Akşehir is one of Turkey’s distinguished cities and has a fascinating atmosphere with its historical texture. Historical buildings in the city bear traces of people who once lived. In this article, we will focus on a journey to the Ateşbaz Ruin, one of the most impressive historical structures of Akşehir.

What is the Fireburner Ruin?

Ateşbaz Ruin is located within the borders of Şehirban village, approximately 8 kilometers away from the center of Akşehir. It is not known exactly when and by whom the historical building was built. However, according to research and the narratives of local people, it is thought that the ruin was built in the Seljuk period in the 13th or 14th century.

Atesbaz Ruin is known as a small castle complex and is one of the structures used for defense of the period. Since the castle is located at an important strategic point, it was used as a strategic base in the wars of the period.

Features of the Ruin

Ateşbaz Ruin attracts attention with its unique architecture and decorative details. The building is located in an area of ​​approximately 50 meters in diameter and is surrounded by thick walls. The walls are made of large stone blocks and they still maintain their strength.

The buildings inside the ruin are connected to each other and separated from each other by doors opening to the inner courtyard. In the inner courtyard, there are structures that once served daily life activities. The ruin contains important structures designed to meet needs such as water cisterns and ovens.

Sad Past

The history of Atesbaz Ruin is not unaffected by historical events and natural disasters. Over time, the ruin was damaged in various wars and partially destroyed by earthquakes. However, the ruin still stands and is preserved with minor repairs.

Akşehir Municipality and the Ministry of Culture are working together on the restoration works of Ateşbaz Ruin. Thanks to the restoration work, the ruin will be transferred to future generations and brought into tourism.

What does Atesbaz Ruin offer to visitors?

Those who visit the Ateşbaz Ruin have the opportunity to explore the historical structure and take a nostalgic journey to the past. The ruin offers an impressive sight for tourists and stimulates the imagination of visitors.

There are also hiking trails and picnic areas around the Ateşbaz Ruin. In this way, visitors can enjoy exploring a historical building while enjoying nature.

We recommend those traveling to Akşehir to visit Ateşbaz Ruin. The beauty of the historical building and the mystical atmosphere of Akşehir will offer an unforgettable experience.

Article Title Article Content Length Journey to the Past of Those Traveling in Akşehir: Ateşbaz Ruin 624 words article content

Gölcük Nature Park, a route full of the magnificent beauties of nature, welcomes thousands of visitors every year. Gölcük, one of Turkey’s most important national parks, offers a unique experience for nature lovers who want to see the magnificent harmony of green and blue together. In this article, we will examine in detail the features of Gölcük Nature Park and the opportunities it offers to visitors.

Location and Entrance Fees of Gölcük Nature Park

Gölcük Nature Park is located in Yedigöller area of ​​Mengen district of Bolu province. It is very easy to reach the park, which is 45 kilometers away from Bolu city center. You can reach the park with your private vehicle or public transportation. Entrance fees are set at 15TL for adults and 7TL for students.

Activities and Places to Visit in Gölcük Nature Park

Gölcük Nature Park consists of 7 lakes that offer different beauties in every season. The most famous among these lakes is Sergen Lake. There are many areas where you can set up your tent, have a picnic and take walks while enjoying the natural beauties. Various activities are also organized in the park. These include activities such as nature walks, nature photography and bicycle tours.

Among the places to visit in Gölcük Nature Park, Stepanos Monastery and Yedigöller Walking Trail stand out. Stepanos Monastery is an Armenian monastery built in the 9th century and is an important place with its historical and cultural value. Yedigöller Walking Path is located on a 4-kilometer track and you can have a pleasant walking experience in touch with nature while discovering the beauties of different lakes.

Accommodation in Gölcük Nature Park

There are also accommodation opportunities in Gölcük Nature Park. There are 30 bungalow houses and 10 tent areas in the park. Visitors who want to stay in bungalow houses must make a reservation in advance. In this way, you can have an accommodation experience in harmony with nature. Additionally, it is forbidden to bring outside food and beverages into the park. However, there are restaurants and cafeterias in the park. Here you can have the opportunity to taste the unique flavors of Turkish cuisine.

Special Tips for Visitors in Gölcük Nature Park

  • Be sure to carry water and food with you when you visit the park.
  • Choose comfortable and appropriate shoes while walking.
  • Do not forget to collect the garbage and throw it in the trash cans to avoid harming nature.
  • The best time to explore nature is spring and summer.
  • If you want to have a picnic, it is forbidden to light a barbecue, you can only picnic in permitted areas.
  • If you are interested in photography, you may consider taking a professional camera with you to capture the beauty of nature.


Gölcük Nature Park is one of the indispensable routes for nature lovers. You can both relax and enjoy nature in this dazzling park with its natural beauties. For an unforgettable experience, you can change your route to Gölcük Nature Park.


Akşehir is known as one of the oldest residential areas in Turkey and is also the birthplace of the famous folk storyteller Nasrettin Hodja. Therefore, Akşehir is a very important destination for literature lovers. This article will contain detailed information about Nasrettin Hodja Museum and Monument in Akşehir.

Nasreddin Hodja Museum

Nasrettin Hodja Museum, located in Akşehir, is a museum dedicated to the life and works of Nasrettin Hodja, a folk storyteller who contributed greatly to Turkish and world culture. Important items related to Nasreddin Hodja’s life are exhibited in the museum.

  • You can visit the museum to learn the details of Nasreddin Hodja’s life. Many important items such as belongings from their ancestors, their clothes and photographs are exhibited here.
  • The museum also includes Nasreddin Hodja’s jokes. The exhibition in the museum, which contains informative panels about the place and importance of jokes in Turkish culture, offers visitors a unique experience.
  • Paintings, sculptures and other works of art made by local artists are also housed in the museum. These works are an expression of admiration for Nasreddin Hodja’s works and life.

Nasreddin Hodja Monument

Next to the Nasrettin Hodja Museum in Akşehir, there is also a large monument representing Nasreddin Hodja himself. The monument contains the statue of Nasreddin Hodja and many symbols associated with him. The experiences the monument offers to visitors include:

  • The monument contains reliefs depicting some of Nasreddin Hodja’s jokes. Visitors can learn more about Nasreddin Hodja’s fame and humorous personality while visiting the monument.
  • There is a statue of Nasreddin Hodja in the garden around the monument. Visitors can take photos next to this statue and enjoy the sense of humor associated with it.
  • Events and festivals organized by local people are held in the monument area. These events provide an opportunity to celebrate Nasreddin Hodja’s legacy.


Akşehir is an important center of Turkish literature as it is the place where Nasrettin Hodja was born and his stories spread. Nasreddin Hodja Museum and Monument is a very interesting destination for literature lovers. It is possible to learn more about Nasreddin Hodja’s life and works in the museum. The monument offers visitors the chance to experience Nasreddin Hodja’s humorous personality and legacy more closely. If you go to Akşehir, you should definitely visit Nasrettin Hodja Museum and Monument.


Akşehir is a district of Konya province in the Central Anatolia Region of Turkey. This beautiful district is known for hosting many places full of natural beauty, but Akşehir’s hidden paradise, Sultan Marsh, is one of its most favorite natural wonders. In this article, we will discuss the unique features and natural riches of Sultan Marsh in detail.

Geographical Features of Sultan Marsh

Feature Detail Area 1,200 hectares Height 1,370 meters Length 2 kilometers Width 1.5 kilometers Depth 1-3 meters

Sultan Marsh is a natural freshwater lake and its surroundings are covered with reeds and forests. This natural area is famous for the living species it hosts and is one of the important wetlands of Turkey. The lake, which is at its busiest in spring and summer, is an important breeding and accommodation area for bird species.

Living Species in Sultan Marsh

  • Anatolian Stork
  • Pied Heron
  • Saz Delicesi
  • Elmabaş Patka
  • Golden oriole
  • Lotus
  • Carp fish

Sultan Marsh is home to many rare and endangered bird species. Especially the Anatolian Stork and the Pied Heron are among the most striking species in this region. Additionally, water lilies spread among the aquatic plants add a special beauty to the lake. The carp found in Sultan Marsh is a center of attraction where fishing activities are carried out.

People’s and Sultan Marsh

Sultan Marshı, sadece doğa sevdalılarının değil, aynı zamanda çevrede yaşayan halkın da keyifle zaman geçirdiği bir bölgedir. Bu güzel doğa alanı, Akşehir halkı tarafından doğal kaynakların korunması ve çevre bilincinin geliştirilmesi amacıyla birçok projeye ev sahipliği yapmıştır. Ayrıca, gölün çevresinde rekreasyon alanları, yürüyüş parkurları ve kuş gözlem kuleleri gibi tesisler de bulunmaktadır.

Sultan Marshı ve Ekoturizm

Sultan Marshı, son yıllarda ekoturizm açısından da büyük bir önem kazanmıştır. Doğa severler, göldeki kuşları ve bitki örtüsünü gözlemlemek, piknik yapmak ve doğa yürüyüşleri yapmak için Sultan Marshı’na akın etmektedir. Bu bölge, sessiz ve huzur dolu atmosferiyle stresli şehir yaşamından kaçmak isteyenler için ideal bir kaçış noktasıdır.


Sultan Marsh, hidden among the natural beauties of Akşehir, is a paradise that nature lovers and environmental friends will admire. This unique lake, covered with reeds and forests and full of bird species and vegetation, is one of the natural riches of Turkey. Sultan Marsh should continue to be protected and developed to be passed on to future generations. We invite everyone to visit this natural wonder and do their part to protect nature.

Places to Visit in Akşehir: History, Literature, Nature, Historical Heritage of Akşehir: Grand Mosque and Historical Houses, Journey to the Past for Those Traveling in Akşehir: Firehouse Ruin, Special Route for Nature Lovers: Gölcük Nature Park, Akşehir for Literature Lovers: Nasreddin Hodja Museum and Monument, Akşehir’s Hidden Paradise: Sultan Marsh

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