Heart of Art in Rotterdam: Boijmans Van Beuningen Museum

Heart of Art in Rotterdam: Boijmans Van Beuningen Museum

As the second largest city in the Netherlands, Rotterdam is a very rich spot in terms of art and culture. Although there are many art museums in the city, it is the Boijmans Van Beuningen Museum that is considered the art heart of Rotterdam. This museum offers its visitors an unforgettable experience with its extensive collection and impressive exhibitions.

History of the Museum

Boijmans Van Beuningen Museum was founded in the late 19th century by Rotterdam-born art lovers Frans Boijmans and Daniël George van Beuningen. Two collectors decided to build the museum building to present their works of art to a wide audience.

  • The first building was opened in 1890 to display the works of art collected by the founders.
  • In 1935, the museum was expanded with a modern building and had the opportunity to exhibit more works.
  • In 2003, the modern art wing of the museum was added and the collection was further expanded.

Boijmans Van Beuningen Museum has hosted many famous exhibitions and events throughout history. In this way, it continues to attract the attention of art lovers to the region.

Collections and Exhibitions

The museum’s impressive collection includes many works from different periods, countries and art movements. In the museum, it is possible to see historical works such as Renaissance, Baroque and Gothic art, as well as modern and contemporary works of art.

These include works by famous artists Picasso, Monet, Dalí, Van Gogh, Rembrandt and many more. Additionally, another notable collection of the museum is design and fashion works focusing on applied arts.

The exhibitions held regularly by the museum are in a wide range. Focusing on many different art forms such as modern art, photography, sculpture and video installations, exhibitions constantly offer new experiences to visitors.

Museum Building and Design

Boijmans Van Beuningen Museum attracts attention not only with the works inside but also with its architecture. The design of the museum building reflects the historical and contemporary structure of Rotterdam, successfully combining modern and traditional architectural styles.

Different parts of the museum building were built with materials such as marble, glass and steel. While the building benefits from natural light thanks to its wide glass facade, it ensures that the works inside are presented to the audience in an impressive way.

Visitor Experience

Boijmans Van Beuningen Museum aims to offer visitors a unique experience. Events and workshops organized in the museum provide the opportunity to further deepen interest in art. Additionally, the museum café and restaurant is an ideal place for visitors to relax and take a pleasant break.

In addition, the museum regularly organizes education and guided tours. Thus, it offers an informative experience for those who want to take a closer look at the history of art and learn important details.


Rotterdam has become a center of attraction for art lovers thanks to the Boijmans Van Beuningen Museum. The museum’s impressive collection, diverse exhibits and eye-catching architecture provide visitors with an unforgettable experience. It is highly recommended that anyone visiting Rotterdam puts the Boijmans Van Beuningen Museum at the top of the list.

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A museum is a venue that offers artistic experiences to visitors and displays the works of various artists. Museums around the world host rich collections of history, archaeology, art, science and more. This article will give detailed information about the artists and works exhibited by a museum.

Artists Exhibited in the Museum

The artists exhibited by a museum may be important names from different periods. For example, artists such as Leonardo da Vinci, one of the important painters of the Renaissance period, or Salvador Dali, one of the pioneers of the modern art movement, are often exhibited with great interest in museums. In addition, local artists can also find a place in museums and contribute to the survival of local culture. By contributing their works to museums, these artists have the opportunity to exhibit their own art and provide a valuable service to society.

Works Exhibited in the Museum

The works exhibited in museums can be of different types, including paintings, sculptures, handicrafts, antique items, musical instruments and many more. These works may belong to a certain period, culture or art movement. For example, a Renaissance-era museum might display works by famous painters, sculptors, or architects of the period. Likewise, a regional museum may contain works belonging to the history, culture and art of that region.

A museum’s collection may consist of works from different periods and cultures, as well as works by artists. For example, an archaeological museum might display statues, vases and ancient inscriptions from ancient times. Science museums generally exhibit scientific discoveries, technological devices and experiments.

Importance of Museums

Museums preserve the cultural heritage of a society and transfer it to future generations. Preserving and preserving art and culture is important because it strengthens our connection to human history and shapes the identity of society. By exhibiting this heritage, museums bring people together with history, art and culture. Additionally, museums are important resources for learning and research.

Museums also provide a platform where artists can exhibit their works and bring them together with a wider audience. Many artists want their works to be exhibited in museums, and this increases the value and recognition of their works.

The Future of Museums

The role and functioning of museums may change in the future. With the advancement of technology, digital museums and virtual reality experiences are becoming widespread. This is an important step towards bringing art and culture to wider audiences and providing a more barrier-free experience. However, the physical spaces and classical exhibition methods of museums still maintain their importance, and the atmosphere and texture of museums are important for many people.


The artists and works exhibited by a museum introduce people to different cultures, periods and art movements. Museums contribute to the preservation of historical and cultural heritage, the dissemination of art and the education of society. Museums may change in the future with the influence of technology, but the importance of physical spaces and artifacts will never decrease.

Museums are important places that carry the traces of the past to the present and display cultural heritage. Museums located in many cities of Turkey attract the attention of tourists and locals. In this article, we will examine the history and architectural features of museums in Turkey.

Historical Museums in Turkey

There are many important museums that shed light on Turkey’s history. In these museums, archaeological artifacts, historical documents, works of art and many other valuable objects are exhibited. Here are some of the historical museums in Turkey:

  • Museum of Anatolian Civilizations: Located in Ankara, this museum has a collection that covers the period from the prehistoric periods of Anatolia to ancient times until today. Artifacts from civilizations such as Hittite, Lydian, Phrygian and Roman are exhibited here.
  • Topkapı Palace Museum: Located in Topkapı Palace, one of the most important historical buildings in Istanbul, the museum contains important works from the Ottoman Empire. This museum, which reveals the historical and cultural values ​​of the palace, hosts thousands of visitors every year.
  • Eskişehir City Museum: The museum located in Eskişehir provides important information about the history and culture of the city. Reconstructions and exhibited works depicting the life of Eskişehir in the Ottoman period attract the attention of visitors.

Architectural Features of Museums

The architectural features of museums in Turkey are also quite diverse. Museums can be located in both historical buildings and have modern architecture. Below are examples from two museums with different architectural styles:

Museum Name Architectural Style Sakıp Sabancı Museum Neo-Ottoman Style Istanbul Museum of Modern Art Modernist Style

Sakıp Sabancı Museum is a museum located in Istanbul and established to promote Turkish art. The museum building was built in neo-Ottoman style and blends traditional Turkish architecture with modern influences.

Istanbul Modern Art Museum is a museum that exhibits modern works of art. This museum is located in a building designed in a modernist style. Large glass panels and simple lines reflect the modern atmosphere of the museum.

Museums in Turkey contain examples of both historical and modern architecture. Each museum attracts attention with its unique architectural structure. Museums have an important role in keeping culture alive and passing it on to future generations. Therefore, preserving and visiting museums is of great importance.

Museums are institutions that host exhibitions on various subjects such as history, science, art and culture and offer visitors a learning and discovery experience. Museums contribute to the preservation of knowledge, understanding the past and shaping the future. Education and activity programs are one of the most important services that museums offer to visitors.

Educational Programs

Museums make learning fun and interactive with their educational programs. Visitors have the opportunity to be informed about the museum’s history, art or science-related subjects with the help of educators who specialize in them. These programs may include creative events, workshops, seminars, lectures and special performances that attract people of all ages.

Educational programs organized especially for children offer interactive exhibitions and games that enable children to explore museums. In this way, children have the opportunity to understand and learn subjects related to history, art and science more easily. Museum education programs are also frequently preferred in learning trips organized by schools. While these trips provide students with a learning experience in a museum environment, they also support the course curriculum.

Event Programs

Event programs organized in museums aim to make museum visits more enjoyable by offering different experiences to visitors. Thanks to these programs, museums become centers of culture and entertainment. Visitors experience unforgettable moments with various artistic events such as concerts, theater plays, film screenings and dance shows. In addition, events such as exhibition openings, interviews, autograph sessions and panels are organized so that visitors have the opportunity to meet experts and share information in the museum environment.

Event programs are also organized to introduce the museum’s collection to more people. In this way, people have the opportunity to see and examine the museum’s rich collection more closely. Visitors who participate in events experience the museum more actively, experiencing learning and entertainment together. In addition, museum events bring together different segments of society and encourage cultural interaction and dialogue.


Event Date Time Concert 15 March 2023 19:00 Theater Play 20 April 2023 20:30 Film Screening 5 May 2023 18:00


Museums, which host historical, cultural and artistic values, are important institutions established for the purpose of preserving societies’ ties with the past and transferring them to future generations. Each museum has different sections and unique experiences are offered to visitors through these sections. In this article, different sections of the museum and places to visit will be discussed in detail.

1. Department of Archeology

The archeology department is an important department that exhibits ruins and objects from past civilizations. This section contains many collections ranging from prehistoric times to ancient times. Interesting artifacts in the archeology section include seals, ceramics, sculptures and written documents. At the same time, visitors can see the artifacts found by archaeologists during excavations.

2. Department of Art

The art department exhibits a variety of works of art from different periods and different cultures. This section contains many works of art such as paintings, sculptures, historical furniture, handcrafted products and photographs. The works in the art section not only offer beauty and aesthetics to visitors, but also provide information about the importance of art. In addition, some museums also have temporary exhibition halls where artists’ works are exhibited.

3. Department of Natural History

The natural history department is a department that describes the diversity of the natural world and evolutionary processes. There are many nature-related materials here, such as fossils, minerals, plant specimens and animal exhibits. In this section, visitors can learn more about topics such as evolutionary theory, the fossil record, and biodiversity. The natural history department is generally very interesting for children and nature enthusiasts.

4. Temporary Exhibition Halls

Some museums have temporary exhibition halls. These halls host exhibitions on different themes. For example, a lighting exhibition or an exhibition focusing on the history of fashion. Temporary exhibition halls offer visitors different and up-to-date experiences in addition to the museum’s permanent collections. These halls are usually open to visitors for a certain period of time and then give way to another exhibition.

5. Cafes and Gift Shops

When visiting a museum, there is usually a cafe to relax and enjoy the break. In addition to the cafe, souvenir shops are also widely available in the museum. These shops stock a variety of souvenirs, books and works of art to remind you of visiting the museum. Visitors can remember the museum with the items they buy from these shops and choose gifts for their loved ones.


Visiting a museum provides a fascinating experience for those interested in history, art and nature. Different sections of the museum offer different experiences based on visitors’ interests and preferences. Departments such as archaeology, art, natural history and temporary exhibition halls mentioned in this article make it easier for museum visitors to explore and learn. It should not be forgotten that there is also a cafe and souvenir shops to relax during the museum tour and return with memories. Therefore, museum visits are an ideal activity for anyone who wants to respect history and cultural heritage, gain knowledge and discover the beauty of art.

The museum is one of the most important building blocks of institutions and organizations that aim to protect, exhibit and research works of art. While the museum transmits the history of art to future generations, it also brings together and presents works with a certain strategy thanks to its collection policy.

What is Curation?

Curation is a professional branch that deals with the selection, preservation and presentation of works exhibited in museums. While curators take care of works of art, they ensure that future generations are introduced to these works. At the same time, he selects the works that make up the museum’s collection and groups them in the exhibition space.

  • Duties of the Curator:
    • Examination and documentation of works
    • Planning conservation work
    • Arrangement of the exhibition space
    • Doing research on works
    • Guide visitors

What is the Collection Policy?

A collection policy includes a specific strategy for how a museum will select works and how it will present those works. This policy is created in accordance with the museum’s mission, vision and target audience. Collection policy ensures that the museum focuses on a particular art movement, period, or geographic area.

Some factors a museum considers when determining its collection policy include:

  • Which art movements will be emphasized in the museum?
  • What kind of works will be exhibited in the museum (paintings, sculptures, photographs, etc.)
  • Works from which period will be included?
  • Does the museum have a special interest in geography?
  • Curators’ experiences and areas of expertise

Importance of Collection Policy

The collection policy forms the identity of the museum and becomes a feature that distinguishes it from other museums. The collection’s focus reflects the museum’s area of ​​expertise and gives visitors the opportunity to better understand a particular art movement or period.

In addition, the collection policy ensures the sustainability of the museum. Curators regularly review the museum’s collection and add new works. In this way, the museum offers its visitors a constant opportunity for innovation and discovery.

How to Determine Curation and Collection Policy?

The museum management may establish a committee consisting of curators and experts to determine curation and collection policy. This committee determines a strategy by taking into account the museum’s mission, target audience, budget and museum visitors’ expectations.

Things Considered When Determining the Collection Policy Curation and Exhibition Strategy Artistic value Order of exhibition of the works Rarity of the work How the works are placed in the space Compatibility with other works in the collection Illumination of the works Area of ​​expertise of the curator Preparation of the exhibition text

Thanks to its curation and collection policy, the museum brings works of art to visitors and offers them a different experience. Determining these policies correctly increases the quality and reputation of the museum.

December 2021

The Heart of Art in Rotterdam: Boijmans Van Beuningen Museum, Artists and Works Exhibited by the Museum, Historical and Architectural Features of the Museum, Education and Event Programs of the Museum, Departments of the Museum and Points to Visit, Curation and Collection Policy of the Museum

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